Tuesday 23 July 2013

Independent Woman

I like to think of myself as a 'strong independent woman' *cringe*. I work for my own money, pay for and upkeep my own car, I pay bills and I can pretty much find my way anywhere without a sat nav (seriously, ask any of my friends).  However, I came to realise today how much I rely on men being able to do things for me (specifically my Dad). Today after work I had a puncture and as it was dark I completely freaked out. Luckily my cousins fiancĂ© and I work together and he was finishing too so I ran over and asked him to help me sort it out. Half of work was there in the end helping me in the pitch dark!

This traumatic(ish) experience led me to think about things I rely on my dad and other males for and I'm going to make a conscious effort to be less ignorant and at least try to learn how to do it myself...

1. Changing my wheel (obviously)
2. Get rid of spiders and other bugs
3. Change a lightbulb (although, I have a fear of lightbulbs which I'll talk about some other time)
4. Sort out wires and that at the back of the TV
5. Bleed my radiator

This little list amongst many other things make me incapable as a human (well in my opinion) so I'm going to get daddy dearest to teach me. You know what they say...

That's it really 

This looks serious...


  1. i just came across this blog & i'm really happy i did. :D love it here! :)

  2. I love reading your blog x you're funny and seem really cool :)

