Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Printstagram is Awesome.

This morning I woke up to find the Fed Ex man waiting patiently at the door holding a package for me!I was so excited to open them I nearly fell over I swear...

It was a rather large package just for 48 2.5 inch photos but that's by the by. Better to be safe than sorry I guess! I bought them really to pin to my pin board with my uber chic smiley face and ladybird pins in my Uni room. I am that in love with them I had to write this blog post as I am too excited, home alone, and needed to tell somebody!

Here they are in all their glory... My new favourite items! I am a little bit obsessed with printing photos at the moment, heck my bedroom is like a gallery these days. Oh well, I went through that not printing pictures phase and just leaving them on facebook for a good few years, which is fine, but I love looking at photos too much!

I might do a blog on how I displayed them if it looks particularly good, if I don't you know I am still figuring out how to make them spectacular! They do that on their own though I suppose...
That's it really!

Homemade filter anyone?


  1. Hey I've nominated you for the Liebster award! x
    Take a look...

    P.S this is a great idea and I love the homemade filter haha :)

  2. Nice blog! I have nominated you for the liebster award, check it out here xxxx

  3. These are so cute! I'm a little bit obsessed with instagram and I'd love to get some of mine printed!

    lovely post :)

  4. This is so cool! How much was this??

    I am a new follower to your blog and so far I am loving all your posts! If you have time, it would mean a lot if you could take a look at my blog too :)

    thank you :) ☼

  5. How cool I didn't even know you could do that! Definitely going to have to print some of my IG stuff out

    Indulgera Blog

  6. That's cool! And the pics are pretty good. :)

  7. So so cool!
