Saturday 27 July 2013

Being old school- Little bit o' Scrapbooking

I will admit, this is almost a year too late but I finally managed to get my America photos printed! Obviously it is quite expensive to get every photo I have ever taken printed all in one go so I am currently getting one section ticked off every pay day. This time it was my trip to America last summer, it was amazing looking through the photos because even one photo brings back so many memories! I made a collage in a frame and hung it in my room, and I have started a general scrapbook which I will display below...

This will mostly be photos now, but there is captions handwritten next to the photos in the scrap book pages if you fancy a little read (and can ready my crazy handwriting).

I hope you enjoyed looking at my photos and I also hope it inspires people to print out theirs because it's a lost art! As a sidenote this isn't even half of the pictures taken! Still got many to print...

That's it really!

A cheeky photo of me and my Victoria's Secret Backpack in Philadelphia...

1 comment:

  1. aw i love scrapbooking, this is such a cute idea! also, i made an instagram for my blog and i just followed you, mine is @gypsywardrobe :) xxx
