Thursday 18 July 2013

Money Supermarket Budget Bucket List

When I saw this on Dib-Dab-Debs' blog, I realised that I had to do it! It's a competition through Money Supermarket where you have to say one 'Budget' thing from your Bucket List, and one more expensive. They have generously offered £1000 to the winner to go towards their ideas, and even £2000 if over more than 50 people take part!

The reason I want to take part in this is because I am a student with very little money; and I am also a bit of a dreamer, I got me some big plans! Also, I love the film The Bucket List, it brings a tear to my eye. Even the phrase 'Kick the bucket' makes me laugh!

The way I have chosen to look at it for my budget item is to find a cheaper alternative to something big on my bucket list! Something I have wanted to do since I saw it on 'An Idiot Abroad' is attend the Holi festival of colour in India. Everything about it looks like so much fun and I think it would be an incredible experience!

 I have found a cheaper way of doing this other than flying to India... There is a company called Holi One that put on these festivals all over the world, and even here in the UK! There is one taking place in London on August 3rd, but there will be one held in Liverpool at a later date (which is closer to where I live anyway). Tickets are around £37.99 if you want a bag of coloured powder, or £27.99 without so you can even save a bit of money by just going without powder! Sure saves a lot of money on a trip to India!

For my more expensive item on my Bucket List, it took a lot of thinking and deliberating. I have so many things I want to achieve, but only a few could I only do while I am young. I have always wanted to study abroad, it is something I have dreamed of doing since I knew about University and studying after school. When I was younger I wanted to attend University in America, but I couldn't really afford it so I am in Uni in the UK and that's fine! On my course, there is an option of studying abroad in the second year, but if you want to do it you have to fund your own flights there and back. I would love to go but flights are really expensive so this competition money would help out a lot! 

This Money Supermarket Competition is so cool, and even if I don't win I think it's a fun blog post still, and it has reminded me about all the things I want to do in life which is nice too. There are more details on the competition on the Money Supermarket Website .

** This blog post did contain photographs, but I realised that I did not have permission from the original photographers to use them.

Other people I think that should take part in this are:


  1. Always wanted to go to such a Holi Festival. Always missed the chance though because I travel too much AND of course leave the town every time a Holi festival is approaching ;)
    Let me know how you liked it and make sure to bring a waterproof camera :)
    xx Taty*
