Thursday 18 July 2013

Not quite a haul but it's cute and I wanna tell people...

I don't know if I've banged on about it enough yet, but I'm in a point in my life where I've changed my mind. Not everyone does this and that's good too, but the process of changing one's mind can be bloody scary! I was nervous of telling my parentals, but in the end I built myself up that much I had a mini breakdown. Shit happens. Anyway I'm missing the point of why I'm writing this post. Here's a little something I found today... 

I nearly cried when I read it! This has not only helped me out in the footwear department, but it also lets me know that I'm going about life ok because my parents are happy. They're pretty chilled anyway, but it's good to know still!

They're so adorable!

Thanks Mum and Dad! 

That's it really!

One time I dressed up as Robin. That's a tale for another time.


  1. That is so cute (and I'd do anything for a new pair of converse!).

    Debi x

  2. That's such a lovely thing to do!

