Friday 2 August 2013

A positive attitude can change your life!

I am a MAHOOSIVE (let's pretend that's a word) fan of 'The Secret' by Rhonda Byrne and it's teachings about positivity and the power that it has. I understand that as I am sharing personal beliefs here I may offend, that's not my intention- I just want to open up a nice little safe space here on what we like to call the internet so people can talk about their views on life, whatever they may be. I'll go first. Many of my friends will tell you one of my favourite things to do is talk about life so that is what I will do today. Okay, little disclaimer done and dusted, let's get crackalackin' - boy I really am quite creative with my choice of words today.

Throughout my teenage years I have struggled on and off with depression (nice easy sentence there to lead you in hahahaha). This is not a 'woe is me' post, quite the opposite actually. Sometimes I can't get out of bed because I don't feel like I can, I get days where I don't think I can go outside, and I get periods of time where sleeping doesn't really happen. When I was much younger than I am today I used to let it get me down and kind of stop me from living my life in the way that I wanted.

I got to a point where I realised that despite whatever the stuff going on in my brain was, I didn't want it to define me as a person. I knew I shouldn't be depressed, I have a life many people would love, so I turned the situation on it's head and found positivity. The main principle of what I believe is:

Whatever you project out will come back to you.

Meaning, if I let the depression get to me and sit in bed all the time moping, then obviously I am going to feel more depressed. BUT if I try and fight against it, project a positive attitude no matter how much it pains me, then bit by bit I will start to eventually naturally become a positive person. Now it has come to a point that I get compliments on my positive attitude and ability to spin a negative into a positive which makes me so happy- happier than a girl would feel to get a compliment on her shoes or a shade of lipstick.

A word of advice to anyone who is feeling down- YOU CAN CHANGE IT! In the past two months I have changed University and course, I have lost over a stone in weight (healthily), got a new job to pay for life experiences rather than material items (maybe a few bits of glitter here and there) and I have never felt more positive about my life. The depression combined with general distaste for my situation left me drinking a lot during the week, getting into risky situations, buying too many material items and living for the next night out. I am not saying this is wrong, but it's not me. Try and be who you are as much as possible and if you notice behaviour that isn't normal of yourself, please know that you can change it. I know depression is a chemical balance and I can't change the days I feel crappy- but I can change how I percieve them.

Sorry if this was a bit lengthy, but I feel that important issues need to be addressed just as much as the hottest cheek colour of the moment (I'm a lover of both types of post, sorry if this isn't to your taste, more fun and pretty things to come in the future!)

That's it really!

Smiles. That's all I'm after! (Here's 15 year old Keeley)


  1. Loved this post! So brave of you to post this to the world! Needed to read this tonight, Good on you girl! :) xx

  2. Great post, it's really refreshing to hear you talk about depression in such a positive way. I also struggle and I've been making a lot of effort to try and keep myself thinking positive things! x

  3. Thank you so much for the lovely comments, I was a little tentative to post this so it means a lot! :D
