Saturday 29 June 2013

The Guilty Pleasures Tag

Right, I have never made a tag post before so I am neither expecting this to be good or successful... Also, I am not claiming that I coined the phrase 'guilty pleasure' and I expect there are tag posts that have similar questions. HOWEVER, I feel like the best way to get these guilty pleasures off my chest, is to subtly force the blogging nation to do it too and we can all feel guilty and pleasure-y together. It will be like a warm virtual hug.

I'm not a big fan of rules but we gotta keep the Riff Raff out somehow...

1. You must name it 'The Guilty Pleasures Tag' so we all know what is happening and the blog reading community don't feel swizzed out of anything.
2. You must tag at least one person at the bottom and as a comment on one of their posts with a link to this post in the comment
3. You must not try and be cool. The aim of this is to have fun!
4. If you could, copy and paste these rules at the top
5. Leave a link to my blog page.

That's all I ask! Now, I am going to tag everyone who reads this to do one, and a few specific people at the bottom! HUZZAH!

1. What is your beauty guilty pleasure (you can choose for this one whether to pick something which you love but you feel guilty as it is expensive, OR maybe a beauty look that isn't necessarily 'on trend' e.g. Taylor Swift Teardrops on My Guitar face diamonds)

My beauty guilty pleasure has to be MAC lipsticks. Oh my God I love them, and I really wish I didn't! I try and play it cool like 'yeah they're alright' but there's something about the smell and feel of them, and the noise they make when they close. All that for a low low price of £14. F**k.

2. What is your TV guilty pleasure?

Gossip Girl. Every time. I don't know why I get so embarrassed that I like Gossip Girl, but I really love it haha.

3. What is your music guilty pleasure?

Anybody who knows me well will probably tell you I am a bit of a music snob. Although, anybody who was in school with me will know I have been into some weird stuff in my time. I have far too many guilty pleasures that are a little bit mainstream such as one direction, talyor swift etc. but my main guilty pleasure music wise which only a few people know about is Celine Dion. Oh my god I love her. I love her I love her I love her.

4. What is your film guilty pleasure?

I love the Harry Potter films and books but I am not guilty about that at all so I guess I am gonna have to say Twilight. The first one specifically. I agree that they get progressively worse, and in the last one my friend and I sat in the cinema drunk from sex on the beach and heckling because it was just so embarrassing. I understand this may offend many people, but I am also saying how much I love it in the same breath so let's all just think about that for a second.

5. What is your food guilty pleasure? (Maybe something you love that nobody else does, or perhaps something you feel guilty about eating because of the calorie amount. Either one, we're not fussy here.)

Brown toast with butter, peanut butter and nutella on. Right, this is like sex mixed with snickers on bread. That good. It's unconventional and a lotta lotta calories so I save it for special occasions like hangovers and that. Sounds weird? Try it my friend, you will not regret it!

6. What is your guilty pleasure read? (Let's keep this PG people, no 50 shades discussions)

Trashy magazines. Not even the celebrity ones about boob jobs and diets, I mean like the bottom of the heap non glossy 45p ones that have real life stories about people having babies with their twin brother and stuff. I don't know why I love them so much! This is someone who reads the Guardian and anything by Hadley Freeman. These magazines feed the trashy part of my soul. Well I am a Libra, life's about balance.

7. Your guilty pleasure celebrity? (Seems obscure but roll with it)

Kim Kardashian, and anyone with the name Kardashian attached to it. She's just so glam and her life is crazy I love it.

8. Your guilty pleasure? (Something random here, like maybe you enjoy clipping your nails out the window or something)

Karaoke! It is kind of a tradition in our family that we do karaoke, no idea why but that's how it's always been. I always thought I had escaped the need to do it, until I was about 16. ABBA spoke to me and I just had to do it. Luckily I have supportive friends who also enjoy singing ABBA every now and again with me. It is rare but when it happens it's great. I rapped 'Without Me' Eminem once.

That's all the questions I could think of, let me know if you thought this was good or sucky in the comments, just try not to make me cry. That is all I ask.

I tag

That's it really.

Face diamonds for the win.