Monday 1 July 2013

Shopping on the interweb

Although I rarely have the money for it because my car eats money, I on occasion enjoy having a little moocharoo 'on the line' as many an old person would say. There are many magical places that this can take place, but I often would go on the websites of the stores I can get to in my local big town or city. HOWEVER, I have more recently realised that I can use the internet to my advantage in finding my dream outfit! Kind of like having a personal shopper that doesn't care that you're in your onesie with no make up on and a homemade face mask. Or eating chocolate spread out the jar.

This ladies is now all taken care of via the internet, something which for many (me included) is needed as much as Oxygen and H2O. This sounds like I have only just discovered internet shopping, which would make me a complete idiot and you might be questioning my age about now. THIS IS NOT THE CASE.

A few months ago I discovered a little website called 'shopstyle' which has CHANGED MY LIFE. No joke. Sometimes I want to look for something really obscure (like a dress covered in lemons for example- this is actually true) or specific but I can't be bothered to flick through every shop, because when it comes to online shopping do you ever find that you forget certain shops exist? Okay here is a few screen shots of me searching for something on it so you get the idea...

I might have told a bit of a porky here, well not exactly, this is how I found the dress but House of Fraser don't sell it anymore to my knowledge...
This dress was £28 and it is by Izabel London at House of Fraser

When life gives you lemons... WEAR THEM.

My face when I found the dress!

 Just wanted to share my knowledge with the world to make buying things even easier than it already is!

That's it really!

Some chick doing it better than me... This was my inspiration for the dress, seen on, skirt is from Alice + Olivia.


  1. I love the dress! I'm a huge fan of online shopping... maybe because I'm lazy or maybe because it's a bit less stressful. Either way, you've got a great find!

    Je M'appelle Molly

    xo Molly

    1. Thanks! Yeah me too, it's so much easier than heading out to the shops for something! :D

  2. That website sounds really good and useful! I think I could definitely make use of it :)

    Sinead |

    1. It's useful if you want to search for a specific thing, it's perhaps less than useful if you just want to browse but I just thought that more people shoul know about it :D

  3. That sounds like a good website! And that dress looks lovely on you! x

  4. OH.MY. What a gorgeous dress!!! I have fallen in love with it! You look simply amazing in it! :)


  5. You look so cute in these photos! That is such a pretty dress :) I love how you paired it with red lipstick! xo

    1. I love it I really do! To be honest I try and pull off red lipstick with most things, it's like a terrible addiction! Thanks :D
